
Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Recently, I was awarded through Wayne State University a chance of a lifetime! I'm going to ITALY in August to study art for FREE!!!!! Ive been wanting to go to Europe for awhile now, but to go for free just blows my mind. I am very fortunate!

About a month ago my professor told me about this opportunity and I was immediately interested. I searched online for the scholarship and couldn't find it. Busy, I put it off. My professor, days later asked if I had looked into it, knowing that it had not yet been added online. He then handed me the application. It took me about 2 weeks to finish the application, but I finally turned it in. I began to doubt that I would receive it and then a couple days later I received an email with my accept ion!

" your application was reviewed and you have been selected as one of two students for the Study Abroad in Italy program! "

Very soon I will be walking the streets of Rome, Florence, and Venice!

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