
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

'David' is done!

I've been working on this project for awhile... deadlines are coming soon...

Here is my charcoal drawings of 'David'. I was going to incorporate his penis and foot, however I did not have a good picture of his foot and the penis just didn't work well in this collaborative. So instead you get his pectoral and stomach muscles.

You may have heard this from me before but, seeing 'David' was the highlight of my trip! In person it is the most amazing piece of art I have ever seen. When you walk into the room where he stands, it's breathtaking. 'David' is at the end of the room, staring at his opponent, Goliath. (At first I noticed his hands were unproportional to his body; which was explained later that it is a representation of David becoming a man. Kind of like how puppies have big paws and grow into them.) Towering high, every muscle was carefully crafted, bulging out as the young shepherd prepares to defeat a giant with only a sling and stone.
(1 Samuel 17: 1-58)

In my previous post I told how my intention was to watercolor while in Italy. I did, but it was a disaster. I was going to watercolor on special postcard sized paper and send them to family and friends back in the States. Instead, what I ended up doing was sending blank postcards to my home and then once I returned, I've been drawing images that I took pictures of while in Italy. I would've done it there, but I literally did not have the time for it. The postcards are stamped from all around Italy and are hidden behind the backing of the frame for someone to find one day. Just an added bonus I guess. Oh, and I wrote a bunch of information about Michelangelo and 'David' on them.


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