
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Detroit Lives.

Just a couple weeks behind, Palladium Boots finally posted the documentary about Detroit.
Check it out. It explains more about what is happening in Detroit and why people are coming down here to live.

I have been enjoying living in Detroit. Growing up in Royal Oak I never knew my neighbors. Here, I have hung out with them many times in the backyard. It is a totally different community.

Going to the suburbs now is like a chore. The people there are so afraid of Detroit and think they know what it is like down here, but they don't. They have no clue. It saddens me...
Last night I was at a church in Troy. They were talking about sending people to Africa to help the people there. I'm sure that Africa needs help, but so does Detroit. Why not send people here? It is so close and we can help so much, but we are too afraid.

Look around you and help the people in your own community. We CAN make this world a better place.

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