
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Oil Paint

Oil Paining is my medium of choice.

I learned how to develop the skill at Grace College (2002-2005) through my professor Tim Young. Other than meeting new friends in undergrad, painting was the only other thing that I gained from College... I got a degree in Graphic Design, but have never used it.

It wasn't until a sculpture class in grad school that I realized that I am naturally a Realist. I try to do abstract art sometimes, but it does not come naturally. Here are a few paintings I've done:

My first painting at Grace College.
-currently in parents guest room

The only painting that I have done for myself... then when I was poor, I sold it.
-My college roommate, Bekah owns it. It's in her bedroom in Cincinnati, OH

Bekah also had me do these for her. -Cincinnati, OH

This one is painted only using a knife; no brushes.

This is my personal favorite. It was also done my first year at Grace.
-located in parents living room

After my first Lily painting, I decided to do a bunch of them.
-This one belongs to a different friend named Becca. She lives in Wyoming or something crazy like that

-A longtime friend Ashley has this one in Indianapolis, IN

My cousin, Becky has this one in Louisville, KY. She will be having a baby in November and has already picked out the name of Lily for her!

Below: My painting in Cincinnati. It looks good there!

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